Girls Who Code Week 6 | April 12, 2019

Girls Who Code Clubs are meant for high school girls to join our sisterhood of supportive peers and role models, and use Computer Science to change the world. Club members will be able to learn from fun and simple online coding tutorials, build community though interactive activities, and learn about inspiring role models. Members would then work in teams to design and build a Girls Who Code Project that solves real world problems they care about through code!
During Week 6, we had a productive session as we we honed down our SMART (Specific, Measurable, Ambitious, Realistic, and Timed) goals and worked effectively as a team to create an executable plan, as we continued our technical dive into Javascript, Python, and Scratch. For our next session, we will focus on building a wireframe for our Girls Who Code Club Project Website.
Please visit Girls Who Code for more info.